Last Updated on February 5, 2022
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Step 1: Name the LLC
There are a few name requirements for an LLC in Alaska.
The legal name of the LLC must be one of the following words or abbreviations:
- Limited Liability Company
- Limited Liability Co.
- L.L.C.
- Ltd.
The LLC name may include the name of a city, borough, or village; however, the name cannot include the word “city,” “borough” or “village” or any word that could refer that the business is part of a municipality or government agency.
The company name of the LLC also has to be unique to other registered entities in the state of Alaska. Learn how to do an Alaska LLC business name search through the Corporations Database on the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development website.
If you find the business name you want but are not ready to register the LLC, a name may be reserved for up to 120 days by filing a Business or Corporation Name Reservation Application. A $25 fee must be paid to reserve a name.
Step 2: Purpose of the LLC
In this section, describe the business activities of the LLC. It is usually better to be a little vague in case the focus of the business ever changes. To keep the purpose of the business flexible, you can use “Any lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Alaska.”
Step 3: NAICS Code
NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) is a six-digit number that classifies and categorizes the type of business activities performed by your LLC. This information is used in reporting statistical data for each of the industries in the U.S. Remember this number as you will need it when filing annual tax returns. See how to do a NAICS search here.
If the activities of your business aren’t specifically listed, choose the closest activity.
Step 4: Registered Agent
A Registered Agent must be appointed for every LLC in Alaska to be the agent for service of process. The Registered Agent is either a resident of Alaska (select individual in the type field) or an Alaska corporation that is authorized to transact business in Alaska (select entity and enter their Entity Number).
The Registered Agent ensures proper service of process, also known as a notice of litigation. The agent ensures the company receives all important correspondence such as tax documents, summons, summons, and other legal documents in a reasonable time frame should the LLC need to prepare for and respond to a lawsuit. An Alaska Registered Agent must be available to receive service of process during normal business hours and have a physical address (no PO Boxes are allowed)
Step 5: Entity Address
Include the mailing and physical address of the LLC. The physical street address and the mailing address may be the same, and if so, fill out both fields.
Remember, the physical address can’t be a PO Box.
Step 6: Management
This section asks whether the management structure of the LLC is Member-Managed or Manager-Managed.
- Member-Managed LLCs have an active involvement in the day-to-day operations of the business.
- Manager-Managed LLCs are hired by the members to run the LLC, similar to a CEO of a corporation.
Most LLCs are member-managed.
Step 7: Organizers
An LLC Organizer is someone involved with the formation of the Articles of Organization. The Organizer may or may not become a member, such as a mentor, attorney, or accountant, but the initial members will all be listed as organizers. The organizer will provide their name, address, contact number, and their signature.
Step 8: Optional Provisions and Additional Articles
This is an optional section and not used by most LLCs. Here you would include additional rules for the operation of the LLC. Many filers include these items in the Operating Agreement, which is easier to change than in the Articles of Organization.
Step 9: Contact Information
The contact information is for the person completing the application and provides a central point of contact should the state have questions regarding the filing of the LLC.
Step 10: File the Articles of Organization
When filing online, the Articles of Organization are processed immediately, and a state LLC Entity Number is created. Payment can be made with a credit card.
If mailing, send the form and a check or money order for $250 to:
State of Alaska Corporations Section
PO Box 110806
Juneau, AK 99811-0806
In 10 – 15 business days, assuming there are no questions on the form from the State, the LLC will be officially filed. An approved copy of the Alaska Articles of Organization will be mailed back along with the LLC Entity Number.