Last Updated on February 5, 2022
To get started, visit the Colorado Secretary of State website.
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Step 1: Name the LLC
Under Colorado state law, the legal name of a Colorado Limited Liability Company must include one of the following words or abbreviations at the end of the business name:
- Limited Liability Company
- Ltd. Liability Company
- Limited Liability Co.
- Ltd. Liability Co
- Limited
- L.L.C.
- Ltd.
A unique name has to be selected as no other LLCs in the state of Colorado can have the same name. Before finalizing a name, be sure to check on the availability of LLC names in Colorado in the state’s business database before registering. Most LLCs will operate under the name they register with the state. If you want to operate multiple businesses under your LLC, a DBA or “Doing Business As” name will need to be registered too. This additional name can be registered at any time by filing a Statement of Trade Name of a Reporting Entity online and submit a $20 state fee.
It is also highly recommended to check the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to see if this name is registered to someone else. The Colorado Secretary of State will not cross-check the federal trademark database.
If you have an entity name selected but are not quite ready to file the Articles of Organization, you can reserve the name for up to 120 days by filing the Statement of Reservation of Name form. There is a filing fee of $25 for the name reservation.
Step 2: Principal Office Address
In this section, enter the street address, city, and zip cost of the initial principal office. This address can be the LLC’s physical address, or it can be the address where the business records are stored. You may not use a Post Office Box for the designated office.
If you prefer to use a different business address than the designated office for correspondence from the Secretary of State, enter that address in the mailing address field. A PO Box is acceptable in this section.
Step 3: Registered Agent
One state requirement in forming an LLC in Colorado is that a Registered Agent must be identified. The Registered Agent is either a Colorado resident or a company such as a registered agent service that accepts service of process, which must have a “usual place of business” (commonly known as having a physical address and is available during normal business hours) in the state. Service of process refers to receiving important legal documents, tax notices, summons, subpoenas, and other legal papers on behalf of the LLC.
You can act as your own registered agent in Colorado and you are not required to pay for a registered agent.
The registered agent must consent to be appointed as the registered agent, and the box has to be checked to confirm that they have agreed.
Step 4: Organizer Information
The name and mailing address of the LLC organizer(s) forming the entity is entered next. If there is more than one member, be sure to click on the Yes button, and later you will add an attachment to include the names of all LLC members.
Step 5: Management
This section asks whether the management of the LLC is Manager-Managed or Member-Managed.
- Member-Managed LLCs have an active involvement in the day-to-day operations of the business.
- Manager-Managed LLCs refers to an LLC where the members hire somebody to run the company, similar to the position of CEO for a corporation.
Most LLCs are member-managed.
Next, you have to confirm that at least one member of the Limited Liability Company is checking the box.
Step 6: Additional Information
If there are additional items to attach regarding the LLC formation, additional information needs to be attached.
This isn’t common for most LLCs.
Step 7: Effective Date
If you want the LLC to start on today’s date, choose Yes, otherwise select No, and enter a date less than 90 days in the future to start.
Step 8: Email Addresses
An email notification can be sent instead of paper notices when a form has been filed, when the status of a record has changed, and when the Periodic Report or renewal is due. The Secretary of State no longer sends a reminder in the mail for the annual LLC renewal. Failure to file the periodic report in time can result in penalties and administrative dissolution. Be sure to make a reminder in your calendar.
Step 9: Signatures
Each member of the LLC must certify the information in the Articles of Organization are correct and sign.
All members can sign this document, but only one is required to do so. If other members want to sign, upload their names and signatures as an attachment on the next page.
Step 10: Upload Attachments
If you selected to upload additional attachments, they would be uploaded here.
Step 11: Review and Pay
Review the Articles of Organization for any errors, and if there are no errors, all that’s left is to submit payment. On the summary page, be sure to print a copy of the approved Articles of Organization for your records.
If you have questions, contact the Colorado Secretary of State.
Colorado Secretary of State
Phone: 303-894-2200