The steps for filing online or by mail are mostly the same. Below, we have step-by-step instructions on how to form an Arizona LLC.
To get started, either download the Arizona LLC Articles of Organization Form L010 or create an eCorp account from Arizona Corporation Commission website. After logging in, Go to “Online Services” and then click on “Start a New Business.”
On the next screen, select form an LLC or PLLC.
The Limited Liability Company is the most common choice, but there is an option for a Professional Limited Liability Company. A Professional Limited Liability Company is for state-licensed professionals such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, veterinarians, and more.
The Arizona Commerce Authority has more information on obtaining a Regulatory (Professional/Special) License.
Step 1: Entity Name
This section asks whether the LLC name has been reserved for the LLC. Assuming the name hasn’t been registered yet, select No and then enter the business name you want to use in the Entity Name field.
Related: How to search available LLC names in Arizona
The legal name of the LLC must include the following words or abbreviations:
- Limited Liability Company
- Limited Company
- L.L.C.
- LC
- L.C.
There can’t be another LLC with the same name as the one you want. If you pick a name that already exists, a message will pop up, saying, “The entity name is not available.” If there is a conflicting Trade Name, you must choose another entity name; otherwise, the system won’t let you move forward.
The name may not contain the words or abbreviations; “association,” “corporation,” or “incorporated” or use words such as “bank,” “deposit,” “credit union,” “trust,” or “trust company” unless the LLC is registered to operate as such. See the full list of Arizona LLC name requirements before finalizing your name. If you aren’t ready to file for the LLC, you can file a name reservation up to 120 days before filing the LLC. To do so, fill out the Application to Reserve Limited Liability Company Name with the Arizona Corporation Commission. The cost to reserve the name is $10.
If you want to check available names before starting the formation process, read more about searching the Arizona business entity database.
Step 2: Entity Information
Entity Email Address – This is an optional field, or you can add your personal email address.
Effective Date – By default, the LLC is effective on the date submitted. If you prefer to have the LLC officially start at a later date (up to 90 days), enter that date in the field
Character of Business – Here, you can select the activities the business will be engaged in. If you can’t find one that is relevant or want to keep options open, choose “Any legal purpose.”
Duration – Most businesses intend to exist forever and would suggest “perpetual.” If you have a specific end date in mind (typically used for investment-related businesses), choose the close date.
Step 3: Arizona Statutory Agent Information
A Statutory Agent (referred to as a Registered Agent or Resident Agent is some states) is an individual or company with a physical presence in the state of Arizona and act as a point of contact to receive legal documents, tax notices, summons, subpoenas, etc. on behalf of the LLC. This person or company is referred to as a Statutory Agent, more commonly known as a Registered Agent. If using this company, they must be registered with the Arizona Corporation Commission.
If using a company that offers Registered Agent services, click on “yes.” Otherwise, click “no.”
Any individual can be the Arizona LLC Statutory Agent. This can be the owner, family member, accountant, employee, etc., provided they have a physical street address in Arizona. They are available to receive service of process during normal business hours.
The agent ensures that the company receives all important documents such as tax forms, summons, summons, and other legal documents in a reasonable time frame should the LLC need to prepare for and respond to a lawsuit.
You can act as your own registered agent in Arizona and you are not required to pay for a registered agent.
Step 4: Known Place of Business
Include the physical address for the LLC. This has to be a physical street address in Arizona and not a PO Box or personal mailbox service. The known place of business can also be the same as the Statutory Agent’s street address.
Step 5: Manager/Member Information
Member Structure
The Manager/Member Information section asks if the LLC is Member-Managed or Manager-Managed.
- Member-Managed LLCs have an active involvement in the day-to-day operations of the business.
- Manager-Managed LLCs are managers of the LLC hired by the members to run the business, similar to a CEO of a corporation.
Most LLCs elect a member-managed management structure.
Principal Information
Enter the name, date the member started their term in office, address, and email for each LLC member (owners). When all the information has been filled out, click on “Add Principal” to save that member’s information. Add information for each of the members of the LLC.
Step 6: Organizer Information
An LLC Organizer is involved with the formation of the Articles of Organization. The Organizer may or may not become a member, such as a mentor, attorney, or accountant, but the initial members will all be listed as organizers. The Organizer does not have to live in Arizona.
Only one organizer is required to sign the Articles of Organization.
Step 7: Upload Attachment
Unless a physical Articles of Organization has already been prepared, use the current information you have filled out. This information will become the LLC’s official Articles.
It isn’t common to upload, so most filers will use Click “No” and then “Next.”
Step 8: Signature
Here, the LLC organizer from Step 6 will agree that the submitted information is true, complete, and accurate and sign.
Step 9: Pay and File
Standard processing is about three weeks, and the expedited filing reduces it to 7-10 days.
All faxed and mailed Articles of Organization will need to be sent with a cover sheet. A PDF of the required cover sheet can be found on the Arizona Corporation Commission website in the “Miscellaneous Forms” section.