Category Archives: LLC

How to Start an LLC in Arizona

The steps for filing online or by mail are mostly the same.  Below, we have step-by-step instructions on how to form an Arizona LLC.
To get started, either download the Arizona LLC Articles of Organization Form L010 or create an eCorp account from Arizona Corporation Commission website.  After logging in, Go to “Online Services” and then click on “Start a New Business.”
How to form an LLC in Arizona
On the next screen, select form an LLC or PLLC.

Arizona Corporation Commission - Form an LLC
The Limited Liability Company is the most common choice, but there is an option for a Professional Limited Liability Company.  A Professional Limited Liability Company is for state-licensed professionals such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, veterinarians, and more.
The Arizona Commerce Authority has more information on obtaining a Regulatory (Professional/Special) License.
Arizona LLC vs PLLC

Step 1: Entity Name

This section asks whether the LLC name has been reserved for the LLC.  Assuming the name hasn’t been registered yet, select No and then enter the business name you want to use in the Entity Name field.
Related: How to search available LLC names in Arizona

The legal name of the LLC must include the following words or abbreviations:

  • Limited Liability Company
  • Limited Company
  • LLC
  • L.L.C.
  • LC
  • L.C.

There can’t be another LLC with the same name as the one you want.  If you pick a name that already exists, a message will pop up, saying, “The entity name is not available.” If there is a conflicting Trade Name, you must choose another entity name; otherwise, the system won’t let you move forward.

The name may not contain the words or abbreviations; “association,” “corporation,” or “incorporated” or use words such as “bank,” “deposit,” “credit union,” “trust,” or “trust company” unless the LLC is registered to operate as such. See the full list of Arizona LLC name requirements before finalizing your name.   If you aren’t ready to file for the LLC, you can file a name reservation up to 120 days before filing the LLC.  To do so, fill out the Application to Reserve Limited Liability Company Name with the Arizona Corporation Commission. The cost to reserve the name is $10.

Reserve LLC Name Arizona
If you want to check available names before starting the formation process, read more about searching the Arizona business entity database.

Step 2: Entity Information

Entity Email Address – This is an optional field, or you can add your personal email address.

Effective Date – By default, the LLC is effective on the date submitted.  If you prefer to have the LLC officially start at a later date (up to 90 days), enter that date in the field

Character of Business – Here, you can select the activities the business will be engaged in.  If you can’t find one that is relevant or want to keep options open, choose “Any legal purpose.”

Duration – Most businesses intend to exist forever and would suggest “perpetual.”  If you have a specific end date in mind (typically used for investment-related businesses), choose the close date.
Arizona Entity Information LLC Formation

Step 3: Arizona Statutory Agent Information

A Statutory Agent (referred to as a Registered Agent or Resident Agent is some states)  is an individual or company with a physical presence in the state of Arizona and act as a point of contact to receive legal documents, tax notices, summons, subpoenas, etc. on behalf of the LLC. This person or company is referred to as a Statutory Agent, more commonly known as a Registered Agent.  If using this company, they must be registered with the Arizona Corporation Commission.

If using a company that offers Registered Agent services, click on “yes.”  Otherwise, click “no.”

Any individual can be the Arizona LLC Statutory Agent. This can be the owner, family member, accountant, employee, etc.,  provided they have a physical street address in Arizona. They are available to receive service of process during normal business hours.

The agent ensures that the company receives all important documents such as tax forms, summons, summons, and other legal documents in a reasonable time frame should the LLC need to prepare for and respond to a lawsuit.

You can act as your own registered agent in Arizona and you are not required to pay for a registered agent.

Arizona LLC Register Statutory Agent

Step 4: Known Place of Business

Include the physical address for the LLC.  This has to be a physical street address in Arizona and not a PO Box or personal mailbox service.  The known place of business can also be the same as the Statutory Agent’s street address.
Arizona LLC Known Place of Business

Step 5: Manager/Member Information

Member Structure
The Manager/Member Information section asks if the LLC is Member-Managed or Manager-Managed.

  • Member-Managed LLCs have an active involvement in the day-to-day operations of the business.
  • Manager-Managed LLCs are managers of the LLC hired by the members to run the business, similar to a CEO of a corporation.

Most LLCs elect a member-managed management structure.

Principal Information
Enter the name, date the member started their term in office, address, and email for each LLC member (owners).  When all the information has been filled out, click on “Add Principal” to save that member’s information.  Add information for each of the members of the LLC.
Arizona LLC Member Managed

Step 6: Organizer Information

An LLC Organizer is involved with the formation of the Articles of Organization.  The Organizer may or may not become a member, such as a mentor, attorney, or accountant, but the initial members will all be listed as organizers.  The Organizer does not have to live in Arizona.

Only one organizer is required to sign the Articles of Organization.
Arizona LLC Organizer Information

Step 7: Upload Attachment

Unless a physical Articles of Organization has already been prepared, use the current information you have filled out.  This information will become the LLC’s official Articles.
It isn’t common to upload, so most filers will use Click “No” and then “Next.”
Filing an LLC in Arizona - Articles of Organization

Step 8: Signature

Here, the LLC organizer from Step 6 will agree that the submitted information is true, complete, and accurate and sign.

Step 9: Pay and File

Standard processing is about three weeks, and the expedited filing reduces it to 7-10 days.

All faxed and mailed Articles of Organization will need to be sent with a cover sheet. A PDF of the required cover sheet can be found on the Arizona Corporation Commission website in the “Miscellaneous Forms” section.

How to Start an LLC in Alaska

Step 1: Name the LLC

There are a few name requirements for an LLC in Alaska.

The legal name of the LLC must be one of the following words or abbreviations:

  • Limited Liability Company
  • Limited Liability Co.
  • LLC
  • L.L.C.
  • Ltd.

The LLC name may include the name of a city, borough, or village; however, the name cannot include the word “city,” “borough” or “village” or any word that could refer that the business is part of a municipality or government agency.

The company name of the LLC also has to be unique to other registered entities in the state of Alaska.  Learn how to do an Alaska LLC business name search through the Corporations Database on the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development website.

If you find the business name you want but are not ready to register the LLC, a name may be reserved for up to 120 days by filing a Business or Corporation Name Reservation Application. A $25 fee must be paid to reserve a name.

Step 2: Purpose of the LLC

In this section, describe the business activities of the LLC.  It is usually better to be a little vague in case the focus of the business ever changes.  To keep the purpose of the business flexible, you can use “Any lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Alaska.”

Step 3: NAICS Code

NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) is a six-digit number that classifies and categorizes the type of business activities performed by your LLC.  This information is used in reporting statistical data for each of the industries in the U.S.  Remember this number as you will need it when filing annual tax returns.  See how to do a NAICS search here.

If the activities of your business aren’t specifically listed, choose the closest activity.

Step 4: Registered Agent

A Registered Agent must be appointed for every LLC in Alaska to be the agent for service of process.  The Registered Agent is either a resident of Alaska (select individual in the type field) or an Alaska corporation that is authorized to transact business in Alaska (select entity and enter their Entity Number).

The Registered Agent ensures proper service of process, also known as a notice of litigation. The agent ensures the company receives all important correspondence such as tax documents, summons, summons, and other legal documents in a reasonable time frame should the LLC need to prepare for and respond to a lawsuit.  An Alaska Registered Agent must be available to receive service of process during normal business hours and have a physical address (no PO Boxes are allowed)

Step 5: Entity Address

Include the mailing and physical address of the LLC.  The physical street address and the mailing address may be the same, and if so, fill out both fields.

Remember, the physical address can’t be a PO Box.

Step 6: Management

This section asks whether the management structure of the LLC is Member-Managed or Manager-Managed.

  • Member-Managed LLCs have an active involvement in the day-to-day operations of the business.
  • Manager-Managed LLCs are hired by the members to run the LLC, similar to a CEO of a corporation.

Most LLCs are member-managed.

Step 7: Organizers

An LLC Organizer is someone involved with the formation of the Articles of Organization.  The Organizer may or may not become a member, such as a mentor, attorney, or accountant, but the initial members will all be listed as organizers. The organizer will provide their name, address, contact number, and their signature.

Step 8: Optional Provisions and Additional Articles

This is an optional section and not used by most LLCs.  Here you would include additional rules for the operation of the LLC.   Many filers include these items in the Operating Agreement, which is easier to change than in the Articles of Organization.

Step 9: Contact Information

The contact information is for the person completing the application and provides a central point of contact should the state have questions regarding the filing of the LLC.

Step 10: File the Articles of Organization

When filing online, the Articles of Organization are processed immediately, and a state LLC Entity Number is created. Payment can be made with a credit card.

If mailing, send the form and a check or money order for $250 to:

State of Alaska Corporations Section
PO Box 110806
Juneau, AK 99811-0806

In 10 – 15 business days, assuming there are no questions on the form from the State, the LLC will be officially filed.  An approved copy of the Alaska Articles of Organization will be mailed back along with the LLC Entity Number.

How to Start an LLC in Alabama

Step 1: Fill out the Certificate of Formation

You can either download the Alabama LLC Certificate of Formation form (called the Articles of Organization in many states) or file online with the Alabama Secretary of State. If you chose to fill in the PDF, note that it cannot be handwritten and must be typed out.

Step 2: Enter the Name of the LLC

Here you will enter the legal business name of the LLC. Each LLC in Alabama must have a unique LLC name that isn’t already registered. Before filing, the LLC’s trade name has to be reserved by the Secretary of State. If you haven’t checked to see if the name you want is available, see how to do a Alabama LLC business name search. The name can be reserved by filling out the Alabama LLC Name Reservation Request Form for $10 with standard processing, which will take about one week. The other option is to file online, which will cost $28 and is processed immediately. Filing online also makes the Certificate of Name Reservation certificate available immediately, which is required before submitting the Alabama Certificate of Formation

The company name chosen must not imply a business purpose that is different from what the business does and must contain the words Limited Liability Company or the abbreviation L.L.C. or LLC.

Be sure to attach a copy of the Certificate of Name Reservation certificate that came from the Secretary of State.

Step 3: Enter the Form Preparer’s Information

Include the name and address of the individual or company preparing the Certificate of Formation. This name does not have to be any of the LLC members.

Step 4: Enter the Name of the Registered Agent

To have an LLC in Alabama, there must be a registered agent assigned to the LLC. A registered agent is a person or an entity with a physical address in Alabama who is available during normal business hours for service of process. The agent will be the central point of contact to receive important legal documents, tax notices, summons, subpoenas, etc. on behalf of the LLC.

The registered agent can be the business owner, a resident of Alabama with a physical address, a legal entity, or a registered agent service.

Remember, the address has to be a physical street address since PO Boxes are not allowed.

Include the Alabama registered agent’s name, the registered office address, and a mailing address if a different address is used for mailings.
Alabama LLC Registered Agent

Step 5: Certification

The next question asks the undersigned to certify that there is at least one member of the limited liability company. There is nothing to do here.
Alabama LLC Certification

Step 6: Special Entity Selection

This question is optional and will only be used if the LLC intends to form a Series LLC or a Professional LLC.

These are not common selections. A Series LLC provides liability protection across multiple asset groups or business lines, each of which should be protected from liabilities from the other series. The Series LLC is more common with real estate companies. A Professional LLC is only for licensed professionals, like accountants, doctors, lawyers, etc.
Alabama LLC Entity Selection

Step 7: Effective Filing Date

This is an optional field should you want to delay the formation date of the LLC. By default, the LLC has officially formed on the date the Judge of Probate files the Alabama LLC Certificate of Formation.

Most people will leave this section blank.
Alabama LLC Delayed Filing

Step 8: Additional Attachments

Last, include any additional attachments, often used to identify all of the members of the LLC. This is optional and not used by most LLCs.

Alabama LLC Additional Attachments

Step 9: Sign and Date

Step 10: File the Certificate of Formation

  1. Make two copies of the signed Alabama LLC Certificate of Formation and the Name Registration certificate.
  2. Either mail or drop off the original and two copies to the Recording Office of your county’s Judge of Probate office in the county where the LLC’s registered is or will be located. Do not send it to the Secretary of State.
  3. Include payment with two separate checks or money orders. The Secretary of State can be paid with the credit card form, but some counties will only take checks or money orders.
  4. Be sure to keep a copy for your records.

How to Start an LLC in Wyoming

Costs to Form a Wyoming LLC

To form a Limited Liability Company in Wyoming, file the Articles of Organization with the Wyoming Secretary of State.  The LLC filing fee is $100.  There is an additional $2 filing fee when filing online.

Approval for the LLC is immediate when filing online or 3-5 business days when filing by mail.

Steps to Form a Wyoming LLC

The steps for filing online or by mail are largely the same.  The screenshots show how to file online.

  • Begin by visiting the Wyoming Secretary of State’s website. If you prefer to fill out and mail the application, download the Wyoming LLC Articles of Organization Form.
  • Click on “Start Now!”
How to Form an LLC in Wyoming
  • On the next page, find the drop-down menu under “Choose a Business Entity Type” and select Limited Liability Company (Domestic).
WY Limited Liability Company
  • On this page, you will also have to acknowledge that the information entered in the Articles of Organization will become public information.

Step 1: LLC Name

Enter the name you want for the LLC.  The name of the LLC has to differ from other entity names registered with the Wyoming Secretary of State.  You should run a Wyoming LLC business name search with the Secretary of State before going through the filing process to ensure the one you want is available.

The name of the LLC must also include a designator at the end of the business name.  A designator describes what type of business entity it is. Available designators include:

  • Limited Liability Company
  • LLC
  • L.L.C.
  • Limited Company
  • LC
  • L.C.
  • Ltd. Liability Company
  • Ltd. Liability Co.
  • Limited Liability Co.

Enter the name along with the designator you would like to use twice to confirm.

Wyoming LLC Name Registration

There are additional designations available for an LLC to choose from (not common).

Close Limited Liability Company – Often used for estate planning, this type of LLC provides additional restrictions on transfers, membership rights, and dissolution of the LLC.
L3C – A hybrid of a for-profit LLC and non-profit, this type of LLC has a charitable mission and intends to have a low profit.
Series LLC – Most commonly used for real estate investment businesses, the Series LLC provides liability protection across multiple asset groups or businesses, each of which would be protected from liabilities from the other series.
Series and Close – A combination of the Series LLC and Close LLC.

Step 2: Detail

Period of Duration – Indicate how long the Limited Liability Company will remain in existence.  Most LLCs will choose a “Perpetual” duration, which means there is no expected end date.  Some businesses (usually investment-related) will have a specific closure date.

Delayed Effective Date – If you want the LLC to start as soon as the Secretary of State files the Articles of Organization, enter nothing. 

Wyoming LLC Period of Duration

Step 3: Registered Agent

To have an LLC in Wyoming, a Registered Agent must be identified.  The Registered Agent acts as a central point of contact for service of process to receive legal documents, tax notices, summons, subpoenas, etc., on behalf of the LLC.

The Registered Agent can either be a resident of Wyoming or an entity registered with the Secretary (such as a Registered Agent service, attorney, etc.).  If the Wyoming Registered Agent is an entity, use the “Search for a Registered Agent” box.  If it is an individual, use the “Enter Agent Information” box and enter their name, address, phone, and email.  If an individual is selected, be sure to have a signed and dated statement stating their consent of appointment for this entity.

The agent must have a physical street address in the state (PO Boxes are not allowed) and be available during normal business hours.

Wyoming LLC Registered Agent

Step 4: Addresses

Principal Address – In this section, enter the street address, city, state, and zip code of the initial principal office.  The principal office address can be the LLC’s physical address, or it can be the address where the business records are stored.  You may not use a PO Box for the designated office.

Mailing Address – Enter the mailing address.  It can be the same as the Principal Address, but if correspondence from the Secretary of State should go to another address, enter that information in the Mailing Address Section.

WY Prindipal Address LLC

Step 5: Organizers

An LLC Organizer is someone involved with the formation of the Articles of Organization.  The Organizer may or may not become a member, such as a mentor, attorney, or accountant, but any of the initial members can be listed as an organizer.

Enter the organizer(s) name and address and click the “Add” button after each organizer.

Wyoming LLC Organizers

Step 6: Additional Articles

This is an optional section and not used by most LLCs.  Here you would include additional rules for the operation of the LLC.

Step 7: Review

Review that all the information is correct.  If there are no corrections, click “Continue.”

Step 8: Pay and File

Enter the organizer’s electronic signature, pay and file the Articles of Organization.

How to Start an LLC in Wisconsin

Cost to Form a Wisconsin LLC

To form a Limited Liability Company in Wisconsin, file the Articles of Organization with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions.  The LLC filing fee online is $130 and $170 by mail.

Processing time for the LLC is typically around five days when filing by mail or 2 business days when filing online. Expedited service is available for an additional $25, which only takes 24-hours.

Steps to Form a Wisconsin LLC

The steps for filing online or by mail are largely the same.  The screenshots show how to file online.

  • Begin by visiting the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions’ website. If you prefer to fill out and mail the application, download the Articles of Organization (Form 502).
  • Select “Click here to start filing” at the bottom of the page.
How to Form an LLC in Wisconsin

Step 1: Name of Domestic Limited Liability Company

Enter the name you want for the domestic LLC.  The name of the Limited Liability Company has to differ from other entity names registered with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions.  You should run a Wisconsin LLC name search with the Department of Financial Institutions before going through the filing process to ensure the one you want is available.

The LLC name must include a designator at the end of the business name, which describes its type of business entity. Available designators can use the following words or abbreviations:

  • Limited Liability Company
  • Limited Company Co.
  • L.L.C.
  • LLC

Enter the name along with the designator you would like to use and click on “Check Name Availability”  A new page will open, indicating whether the name is available or not.  Even if the search comes back with the name is available, the Department of Financial Institutions’ office will also review it to ensure it isn’t being used by someone else or that it is too similar to another name.

Wisconsin LLC Name Reservation

Step 2: Purpose

Generic language stating the LLC is organized under Chapter 183 of the Wisconsin Statutes.  This language is needed in order to form an LLC in the state, and no action is needed.

Step 3: Registered Agent Name

To have an LLC in Wisconsin, a Registered Agent must be identified.  The Registered Agent act as a single point of contact for service of process to receive important legal notices, tax documents, summons, subpoenas, etc., on behalf of the LLC.  The agent can either be a resident of Wisconsin, a Wisconsin registered entity, which could be an attorney, accountant, etc., or a Registered Agent service.

If it’s an individual, enter their name.  If it’s not an individual, click “Select Entity” to search the name in the state’s database.

Wisconsin LLC Registered Agent

Step 4: Registered Office Address

The Registered Agent must have a physical address in the state, and PO Boxes are not allowed.  This address may be the address of the LLC, but it doesn’t have to be.

Enter the address information in the address fields.

WI Registered Office Address

Step 5: Management

This section asks if the LLC is Member-Managed or Manager-Managed.

  • Member-Managed LLCs have an active involvement in the management and have the authority to act on behalf of the LLC.
  • Manager-Managed LLCs are hired by the members to run the LLC, similar to a CEO of a corporation.  This is generally used when there are passive members in the LLC, and the members do not actively manage or operate in the affairs of the business.

Most LLCs are member-managed.

Select Manager(s) or Member(s) and “Next”

Wisconsin Manager vs Member-Managed LLC

Step 6: Organizer Information

An LLC Organizer is someone involved with the formation of the Articles of Organization.  The Organizer may or may not become a member, such as a mentor, attorney, or accountant, but any of the initial members can be listed as an organizer.

Enter the name and address of each organizer.

Step 7: Select the Drafter

The drafter is the person who entered the information into the Articles of Organization, and their name needs to be included in this section.  This is likely one of the members, attorney, or entity formation service.

Step 8: Delayed Effective Date

This is an optional section, but if you want the Limited Liability Company to start on a later date, click the “Declare Delayed Effective Date” button and then enter a date less than 90 days in the future. 

By not selecting anything, the effective date will be the date when the Department of Financial Institutions files the Articles of Organization.

Wisconsin delayed effective date llc

Step 9: Signature

Have at least one organizer sign the document by selecting their name.  Click “Next” and enter their name, address, email, and phone number.

Those signing will be the point of contact should there be any issues with the filing of the Articles of Organization.

Step 10: Review

Review that all of the information is correct.  If there are no corrections, click “Next.”

Step 11: Pay and File

Pay and file the Articles of Organization.

How to Start an LLC in West Virginia

Cost to Form a West Virginia LLC

To form a Limited Liability Company in West Virginia, file the Articles of Organization with the West Virginia Secretary of State.  The LLC filing fee is $100; however, the fee is waived for veteran-owned businesses.

Standard approval for the LLC is 5-10 days.  Expedited service is available.  One-hour approval is an additional $500, 2-hour approval is an additional $250, and 24-hour approval is an additional $25.

Steps to Form a West Virginia LLC

The filing for an LLC in West Virginia can be done online or by mail.  The steps below show how to file by mail.

Instead of forming an LLC, an existing out-of-state LLC wanting to do business in West Virginia will have to register as a foreign LLC with the West Virginia Secretary of State.

Begin by downloading the Articles of Organization (Form LLD-1) from the West Virginia Secretary of State’s website.

Step 1: Name the LLC

If you have previously reserved an LLC name with the Secretary of State, you can select “Yes” and include the business name registration number.  You do not have to reserve a name before forming the LLC.

Enter the name you want for the LLC.  The name of the LLC has to differ from other entity names registered with the Secretary of State.  You should run a West Virginia LLC name search with the Secretary of State before going through the filing process to ensure the one you want is available.

The LLC’s name must include a descriptor at the end of the business name to describe its type of business entity. Available name endings include the following words or abbreviations:

  • Limited Liability Company
  • Ltd. Liability Company
  • Ltd. Liability Co.
  • Limited Company
  • Ltd. Company
  • Ltd. Co.
  • L.L.C.
  • LLC
  • L.C.
  • LC

West Virginia LLC Name Reservation

Be sure to check the box indicating you used one of the name endings.

Step 2: Type of LLC

Choose whether the business is a regular LLC (most common) or PLLC (Professional LLC).  A Professional LLC is an LLC that provides a service that requires licensing in West Virginia.  See West Virginia Licenses and Permits for more information on which services require licensing.

If your business is licensed, be sure to attach the Verification of Eligibility proving licensure.


Step 3: Principal Office Address

In this section, enter the street address, city, state and zip code of the initial principal office.  This address can be the LLC’s physical address, or it can be the address where the business records are stored.  This does not need to be an address in West Virginia, but you may not use a PO Box for the designated office.

If you prefer to have the LLC records sent to a different address, enter that information in the Mailing Address Section.  If the address is the same as the principal office, leave blank.  A Post Office Box is acceptable to use.

Step 4: Initial Designated Office

The Designated Office is the physical address where the business will operate.  This address has to be in West Virginia and can’t be a PO Box.

If there is an address where notifications should be mailed, enter that address in the Mailing Address section.

Step 5: Notice of Process

This is an optional section, but you may want to have an “agent for service of process,” which is a resident of West Virginia, a WV corporate entity, or a Registered Agent service that acts as a point of contact to receive legal documents, tax notices, summons, subpoenas, etc. on behalf of the LLC. This agent is commonly known in most states as a Registered Agent.

West Virginia LLC Registered Agent

Step 6: E-mail Address

This is an optional section but you may enter an email address where the Annual Notice reminder can be sent.  This doesn’t have to be a “business” email.

Step 7: Website Address

This is an optional section, and if the business has a website address, you may enter it here.

Step 8: Number of Businesses Owned

Indicate the number of businesses owned in West Virginia.  If you do not want to provide that information, check the “Decline to answer” box.

Step 9: Organizers

An LLC Organizer is someone involved with the formation of the Articles of Organization.  The Organizer may or may not become a member, such as a mentor, attorney, or accountant, but any of the initial LLC members can be listed as an organizer.

At least one organizer must be listed; however, each organizer having decision making authority for the LLC must be entered.

Step 10: LLC Existence

In this section, you can indicate how long it will remain in existence.  Most LLCs will choose “At-Will”; however, some businesses (usually investment related) will have a specific closure date and will choose “Term.”

West Virginia LLC Existence

Step 11: Management Structure

Member Information

The names and addresses of each LLC member must be listed. If there are more than 4 members, attach an additional page.

LLC Management

This section asks if the LLC is Member-Managed or Manager-Managed.

  • Member-Managed LLCs have an active involvement in the management and have authority to act on behalf of the LLC.
  • Manager-Managed LLCs are hired by the members to run the LLC, similar to a CEO of a corporation.  This is generally used when there are passive members in the LLC and the members do not actively manage or operate in the affairs of the business.

Most LLCs are member-managed and will often be the same individuals listed in Section 11 – Member Information.

If the LLC is Manager-Managed, enter their name(s) and address(es).

Step 12: Member Liability

This section asks whether the LLC members are liable to debts, obligations, and liabilities of the LLC.  Selecting “No” means all debts, obligations, and liabilities of the LLC.  Choosing “Yes” means members are liable for the LLC’s debts, obligations, and liabilities.

If you select “Yes,” be sure to have their written consent saved with the company records.

Step 13: LLC Purpose

Provide some basic information about what the business does.  You will need to provide some basic information otherwise, the LLC filing will be rejected.  If you want to keep the business purpose more open-ended, you can add “…including the transaction of any or all lawful business for which corporations may be incorporated in West Virginia” in addition to the original purpose statement.

Step 14: Scrap Metal Dealer

If the LLC is a scrap metal dealer, check “Yes,” complete the Scrap Metal Dealer Form (SMD-1) and attach it to the Articles of Organization.

Step 15: Other Provisions

This is an optional section and not used by most LLCs.  Here you would include additional rules for the operation of the LLC.

Step 16: Number of Attached Pages

Indicate the number of attached pages to ensure the Articles of Organization are properly filed.

Step 17: Effective Date

If you want the LLC to start immediately, choose the check box “the date and time of filing in the Secretary of State’s Office.”  If you want the LLC to start later, choose “the following date” and enter a date less than 90 days in the future.

The main reason for delaying the LLC start date is when the filing is being done close to the end of a calendar year, and the business isn’t going to have any activity until the start of the year.  By delaying until the following year they will reduce the number of end-of-year filings.

Step 18: Veteran-Owned Business

If the LLC is is at least 51% owned by a veteran who was “honorably discharged or under honorable conditions,” check “Yes” and attach the veteran’s DD214 to the Articles of Organization.

Step 19: Signature

Have an individual forming the LLC sign and accept the terms and conditions.

Step 20: Review

Review that all the information is correct.  If there are no corrections, print the form.

Step 21: Pay and File

The Articles can be filed by mail or sent by email.

There are 3 service centers:

Charleston Office
One-Stop Business Center
1615 Washington Street East
Charleston, WV 25311
Phone: (304) 558-8000
Fax: (304) 558-8381

Clarksburg Office
North Central WV Business Center
200 West Main Street
Clarksburg, WV 26301
Phone: (304) 367-2775
Fax: (304) 627-2243

Martinsburg Office
Eastern Panhandle Business Center
229 E. Martin Street
Martinsburg, WV 25401
Phone: (304) 356-2654
Fax: (304) 260-4360

To save on mailing time, the Articles of Organization can be emailed.  Standard processing can be sent to, and expedited filings are sent to

How to Start an LLC in Washington

Cost to Form a Washington LLC

To form a Limited Liability Company in Washington, file the Certificate of Formation with the Washington Secretary of State.  The LLC filing fee is $180 by mail and $200 online.

Approval for the LLC is typically around two weeks when filing by mail and 2-3 business days when filing online.

Steps to Form a Washington LLC

The steps for filing online or by mail are largely the same.  The screenshots show how to file online.

Step 1: Create an Account

Begin by creating a new user account on the Washington Secretary of State’s website. If you prefer to fill out and mail the application, download the Certificate of Formation Form.

How to Form an LLC in Washington

After verifying your email address, log in to your account and select “Create or Register a Business” in the left menu.

Next, assuming you are forming your first LLC for a business that will be located in Washington State, select “I would like to form a Washington State business.”

A new selection will appear where you can select the business type “WA Limited Liability Company.”

Create a Business in Washington State

Step 2: Defer Initial Report

Every LLC is required to file an Annual Report, and the first one is named the Initial Report.  The Initial Report is due within 120 days of the LLC being approved.

The Secretary of State’s office provides an option to delay the filing for up to 120 days; however, you are best served to file it along with the Certificate of Formation.  Choosing to delay the Initial Report, there will be an additional $30 filing fee.

Step 3: UBI Number

UBI stands for “Unified Business Identifier” and is a unique identification number for entities in the state of Washington.  Most filers wouldn’t have filed for this number already and would choose “No.”

Step 4: Select a Business Name

The first question is whether you already have a name reserved.  If so, you can select “Yes” and include the business name registration number.  Otherwise, click “No.”  You do not have to reserve a name before forming the LLC.

Enter the name you want for the LLC.  The name of the LLC has to differ from other entity names registered with the Secretary of State.  You should run a Washington LLC business name search before going through the filing process to ensure the one you want is available.

The LLC’s name must also include a designator at the end of the business name and describes what type of business entity it is. Only the following words or abbreviations can be used as a designator:

  • Limited Liability Company
  • Limited Liability
  • L.L.C.
  • LLC

Enter the name along with the designator you would like to use in the “Submit a name for review” field and then click on “Look Up.”  A list of names will be displayed.  If the name you want is open, a message will appear that says it is your name available.

If the name you want to use is not available, a message will show up as “Not Available.”

Register a Name for Washington LLC

Step 5: Registered Agent

A Registered Agent in Washington must be identified before forming an LLC.  The Registered Agent can either be a resident of Washington (Non-Commercial Registered Agent) or a Registered Agent Service (Commercial Registered Agent).  The agent must have a physical address in the state (PO Boxes are not allowed) and act as a point of contact to receive legal documents, tax notices, summons, subpoenas, etc., on behalf of the LLC.

The registered agent must also provide consent that they are the agent for this LLC.  If you are the Registered Agent, select the button stating “I am the Registered Agent”  Your contact information will prefill the Registered Agent contact information.  If another party is the Registered Agent, select “I am not the Registered Agent”  Be sure to have a signed consent form on file should the Secretary of State request it.

Washington LLC Registered Agent

Regardless of whether the Registered Agent is an individual or entity, be sure to fill out the name, email, street address, and mailing address.

WA Registered Agent Address

Step 6: Certificate of Formation

If you have already filled out the Certificate of Formation, it can be uploaded.  Most filers have not and will select “No” and continue filling out the fields to complete it.

Step 7: Other Provisions

Most filers will skip this section unless they have additional rules for the operation of the LLC.

Step 8: Principal Office

Street Address – In this section, enter the phone number and an email for the principal office.  This does not have to be an official business email.   Next, enter the street address, city, state, and zip code of the initial principal office.  This address can be the LLC’s physical address, or it can be the address where the business records are stored.  You may not use a PO Box for the designated office.

Address Confidentiality Program – If you are a part of the Washington Address Confidentiality Program, you can check this box.

Mailing Address – If the mailing address and street address are the same, click on the “Same as Street Address” box.  If mail should go to a different address than the street address, enter that address here.

Principal Office Washington LLC

Step 9: Duration

In this section, you can indicate how long the LLC will remain in existence.  Most LLCs will choose a Perpetual duration; however, some businesses (usually investment-related) will have a specific closure date.

WA LLC Duration

Step 10: Effective Date

If you want the LLC to start as soon as possible, “Date of Filing.”  If you want the LLC to start later, enter a date less than 90 days in the future. 

Washington LLC Effective Date

Step 11: Executor

An LLC Executor (known as an Organizer in most states) is someone involved with the formation of the Certificate of Formation.  The Executor may or may not become a member, such as a mentor, attorney, or accountant, but any of the initial members can be listed as an executor.  At least one person must be listed as an Executor.

If you are the Executor, check the box that says “I am an Executor,” which will auto-fill the name and address information.  If, not enter that information in the following fields.

Washington LLC Executor

Step 12: Governors

Governors refer to how the LLC is managed.  Governors are LC Members or Managers and are typically going to be individuals.

At least one governor needs to be listed.  Some filers will want to leave out most of the governors to protect their privacy.  The downside is that it may be difficult to obtain signing authority from the bank for any governors that are not listed.

WA LLC Governor

Step 13: Nature of the Business

Here you are asked to provide some basic information about what the business does.  Open the drop-down menu to look at the basic categories.  If your business isn’t listed in any category, you can provide your own information in the box.

If you want to keep the business purpose more open-ended or not disclose what your business does, you can select  “Any Lawful Purpose” from the drop-down menu.

Washington LLC Business Purpose

Step 14: Return Address for This Filing

Enter an email and mailing address for the Secretary of State to send the Certificate of Organization

Step 15: Upload Additional Documents

If you have additional documents to upload, select “Yes,” otherwise select “No,” and continue.

Step 16: Email Opt-In

If you wish to receive all notifications from the Secretary of State for the LLC, like Annual Report reminders, check the box.

Step 17: Authorized Person

A person who is authorized to sign on behalf of the LLC must acknowledge they are an authorized person, and they agree that the information included in the Certificate of Formation is correct.

Step 18: Review

Review that all the information is correct.  If there are no corrections, click “Add to Cart.”

Step 19: Pay and File

Pay and file the Certificate of Formation.

When filing online, assuming there are no errors, the LLC will be approved in approximately 2-3 days.

If mailing, expect the filing to take up to 2 weeks.  Mail the form and payment to the following address:
Secretary of State
Corporation Division
801 Capitol Way S,
PO Box 40234
Olympia, WA 98504

How to Start an LLC in Virginia

Costs to Form a Virginia LLC

To form a Limited Liability Company in Virginia, file the Articles of Organization with the Virginia State Corporation Commission.  The LLC filing fee is $100.

Approval for the LLC is typically less than two weeks when filing by mail and filing online through the eFile Express approval is immediate.

Steps to Form a Virginia LLC

Step 1: Create an Account with the State Corporation Commission

The steps for filing online or by mail are largely the same.  The screenshots show how to file online with the eFile Express system as the filing is instant.

Step 2: Select an Entity Name

Enter the name you want for the LLC.  The LLC’s name also has to differ from other entity names registered with the State Corporation Commission.  You can also run a Virginia LLC name search or contact the Clerk’s Office of the Virginia State Corporation Commission by calling 804-371-8733 or 866-722-2551, before going through the filing process to ensure the one you want is available.

The name of the LLC must also include a designator at the end of the business name and describes what type of business entity it is. Words and abbreviations that are available to use as designators include:

  • Limited Liability Company
  • Limited Company
  • L.L.C.
  • LLC
  • L.C.
  • LC

If there is a name you want, but are not ready to register the LLC, you can file the Reservation of a Business Entity Name (Form SCC631) with the Commonwealth of Virginia State Corporation Commission. The name reservation will hold a name for up to 120 days, at a cost of $10.

If you plan to use a different name from the one that you register (perhaps you want to run multiple businesses under the LLC), you can use a fictitious name (sometimes referred to as a trade name, assumed name, DBA, or Doing Business As name).  To register a fictitious name, the Certificate of Assumed or Fictitious Name, along with a $10 filing fee will need to be sent to the Commonwealth of Virginia State Corporation Commission.

Enter the name along with the designator you would like to use and click on “Check Name”  If the name is distinguishable, a message will show up saying, “Proposed Entity Name is distinguishable.”  If the name you select is not distinguishable, the message will say, “Name is not distinguishable from another entity in the Commission records,” and a new name will need to be selected.

Register an LLC Name in Virginia

Step 3: Appoint a Registered Agent

A Registered Agent in Virginia must be identified before forming an LLC.  The Registered Agent can either be a resident of Virginia (Select “an individual who is a resident of Virginia” button) or a business or Registered Agent service (Select “a corporation or limited liability company that is authorized or registered to transact business in Virginia” button).  The address of the agent must be a physical street address since Post Office Boxes are not allowed, is available during normal business hours, and will act as a central point of contact for service of process, to receive legal documents, tax notices, summons, subpoenas, etc., on behalf of the LLC.

Virginia LLC Registered Agent

Step 4: Indicate the Principal Address

In this section, enter the street address, city, state, and zip code of the initial principal office.  This address can be the LLC’s physical address, or it can be the address where the business records are stored.  You may not use a PO Box for the designated office.

VA LLC Principal Office

Step 5: Signature

Have an individual forming the LLC to accept the terms and conditions and sign.  Click the “Document Preview” button to review the document.

Step 6: Review

Review that all the information is correct.  If there are no corrections, click “Pay and File.”

Step 7: Pay and File

Pay and file the Articles of Organization.

If filing online, the LLC will be approved immediately.

If sending by mail, send to:
State Corporation Commission Clerk’s Office
PO Box 1197
Richmond, VA 23218-1197

How to Start an LLC in Vermont

Costs to Form a Vermont LLC

To form a Limited Liability Company in Vermont, file the Vermont Articles of Organization with the Vermont Secretary of State.  The LLC filing fee is $125.

Approval for the LLC is typically around two weeks when filing by mail or 1 day when filing online.

Steps to Form a Vermont LLC

The steps for filing online or by mail are largely the same.  The screenshots show how to file online.

Step 1: Create an Account

Begin by creating a user account on the Vermont Secretary of State’s website. If you prefer to fill out and mail the application, download the PDF of the Articles of Organization Form LLC-3(D).

How to Form an LLC in Vermont
  • Click on “VT Secretary of State Online Services” on the left menu and then “Start or Register Your Business.”
Register Vermont LLC

Step 2: Create the Business

Most people on this site will be forming their first LLC, and it will likely be located in the state.  If that is the case, select “I am Creating a New Domestic Business.”   If it originally formed the LLC in another state and wants to do business in Vermont, select “I am Registering a Foreign Business” (commonly called a Foreign Entity or Foreign LLC. Other common choices include a professional LLC (PLLC) which is reserved for services that require state licensing (like accountants, architects, attorneys, etc).  Additionally, the low-profit LLC can be selected which is a for-profit business but has a charitable focus. The formation process for each is relatively similar to the domestic LLC in this guide.

A new menu will then appear for “Business Entity,” where you would select “Limited Liability Company.”

From the next menu, select “Limited Liability Company” to start forming your LLC.

Create a New Domestic LLC Vermont

Step 3: Register the Business Name

Enter the name you want for the LLC.  The LLC’s name has to be different from other entity names registered with the Secretary of State.  You can also run a Vermont LLC name search with the Secretary of State before going through the filing process to ensure the one you want is available.

The name of the LLC must also include a designator at the end of the business name and describes what type of business entity it is. Available designators can use the following words or abbreviations:

  • Limited Liability Company
  • Limited Company
  • L.L.C.
  • LLC
  • L.C.
  • LC

The words “Limited” can be abbreviated as “Ltd.” and “Company” can be abbreviated as “Co.”

You have the option of entering two alternate names in case the one you enter is rejected.

Register a Business Name Vermont LLC

Step 4: Business Description

This section is asking for information regarding the activities of the business.  To do that, there is a number called NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System).  This code is a six-digit number that classifies and categorizes the different business industries.  This information is used in reporting statistical data for each of the industries in the U.S.  Remember this number as you will need it when filing annual tax returns.  You can do a more in-depth search for your NAICS number here.

If the activities of your business aren’t specifically listed, choose one that is close.

Vermont LLC NAICS Code

Step 5: Domestic Jurisdiction

“Vermont is automatically chosen as the domestic jurisdiction and can’t be changed.

Step 6: Designated Office Information

Physical Address – In this section, enter the street address, city, state, and zip code of the initial principal office.  This address can be the LLC’s physical address, or it can be the address where the business records are stored.  You may not use a PO Box for the designated office.

Mailing Address – A mailing address is required, and it can be the same as the Principal Address.  If the LLC records will be sent to a different address, enter that information in the Mailing Address Section.  If the address is the same as the principal office, click on the “Use this address as the Mailing Address also” box to copy the Principal Address address.

Any address is acceptable regardless of location or PO Box.

VT LLC Principal Office Address

Step 7: Business Email Address

Enter a preferred address where the Secretary of State should send correspondence regarding the LLC formation.

Step 8: Fiscal Year End (Month)

Select the preferred ending month for the LLC’s fiscal year.  Single-Member LLCs and LLCs taxed as a partnership should choose December.

The default end month is December by the state.

Step 9: Registered Agent

To have an LLC in Vermont, a Registered Agent must be identified.  The Registered Agent can either be a Vermont resident, a business entity, or a Registered Agent service.  The agent must have a physical street address in the state (Post Office Boxes are not allowed) and act as a point of contact to receive legal documents, tax notices, summons, subpoenas, etc., on behalf of the LLC.

Even though the business owner can be the registered agent, their name and address become public record, and with that comes a loss of privacy. This is more important for some entrepreneurs, especially when they are doing business from home.

If you are using a Registered Agent service, enter their name and select “Search”, otherwise select “Create Agent” to add a new record.

Vermont LLC Registered Agent

Step 10: Manager/Member Information

This section asks about the management choice of the LLC.

  • Member-Managed LLCs have an active involvement in the management and have the authority to act on behalf of the LLC.
  • Manager-Managed LLCs are hired by the members to run the LLC, similar to a CEO of a corporation.  This is generally used when there are passive members in the LLC, and the members do not actively manage or operate in the affairs of the business.

Most LLCs are member-managed.

The next question asks if the LLC has members at the time of filing.  Select “Yes” or “No.”

VT LLC Member Manager Managed

The next section asking for the members/managers address is optional.  Some filers won’t want to include their names because those names become part of public record.  The downside of not include their names is it can make it more difficult to show ownership and do things like get licenses and open a bank account for the LLC.

Step 11: Other Provisions

This is an optional section and not used by most LLCs.  Here you would include additional rules for the operation of the LLC.

Step 12: Certify

An organizer will need to certify the information being submitted is correct.  An organizer is someone involved with the formation of the Articles of Organization.  The Organizer may or may not become a member, such as a mentor, attorney, or accountant, but any of the initial members can be listed as an organizer.

If you want the LLC to start immediately, choose “This statement will be effective as of the date of this filing.”  If you want the LLC to start later, choose “the effective date requested for this statement will be the date” where you can enter a date less than 90 days in the future.  The main reason for delaying the LLC start date is when the filing is being done close to the end of a calendar year, and the business isn’t going to have any activity until the start of the year.  By delaying until the following year, they will reduce the number of end-of-year filings.

Vermont LLC Certify Articles of Organization

Step 13: Review

Review that all the information is correct.  If there are no corrections, click “Proceed to Pay.”

Step 14: Pay and File

Pay and file the Articles of Organization.

How to Start an LLC in Utah

Costs to Form a Utah LC

To form a Limited Liability Company in Utah, file the Utah LLC Certificate of Organization with the Utah Department of Commerce.  The LLC filing fee is $70 and can be submitted in-person, by mail, or fax.  This form will not be accepted if it is handwritten.  It must be typed.

Approval for the LLC is typically around 7-10 business days.

If you have questions, contact the Utah Department of Commerce, Division of Corporations and Commercial Code.
Phone: 801-983-0275

Steps to Form a Utah LLC

Being forming a Utah LLC by visiting the OneStop Business Registration website.

Step 1: Name of Limited Liability Company

Enter the name you want for the LLC.  The LLC’s name also has to differ from other entity names registered with the Department of Commerce.  You will want to run a Utah LLC name search with the Department of Commerce before filing the Certificate of Organization (referred to as the Articles of Organization in some states).

The name of the LLC must also include a designator at the end of the business name and describes what type of business entity it is. Available designators include the following phrases or abbreviations:

  • Limited Liability Company
  • Limited Company
  • Limited Liability Co.
  • Limited Co.
  • Ltd. Liability Company
  • Ltd. Company
  • Ltd. Liability Co.
  • Ltd. Co.
  • L.L.C.
  • LLC
  • L.C.
  • LC

Enter the name along with the designator you would like to use and click on “Check Name Availability”  A new page will open, indicating whether the name is available or not.  Even if the search comes back with the name is available, the Department of Commerce’s office will also review it to ensure it isn’t being used by someone else or that it is too similar to another name.

Step 2: Principal Office Address

In this section, enter the street address, city, state, and zip code of the initial principal office.  This address must be in Utah and can be the LLC’s physical address, or it can be the address where the business records are stored.  You may not use a PO Box for the designated office.

Step 3: Registered Agent

Before forming an LLC in Utah, a Registered Agent must be identified.  The Registered Agent can either be a full-time resident of Utah, a Business Entity, or a Registered Agent service.  If the agent is a business, it must be registered with the Department of Commerce and be in good standing.

The Registered Agent must have a physical address in the state (PO Boxes are not allowed), be available during normal business hours, and act as a point of contact for service of process to receive important legal documents, tax notices, summons, subpoenas, etc., on behalf of the LLC.

Step 4: Signature of Organizer

An LLC Organizer is someone involved with the formation of the Certificate of Organization.  The Organizer may or may not become a member, such as a mentor, attorney, or accountant, but any of the initial members can be listed as an organizer.

Have an organizer sign in step 4 after the form is printed.

Step 5: Name and Address of Members and/or Managers

This is an optional section.  Some people won’t fill in this section since they don’t want the member’s and manager’s names on the public record.  This can sometimes pose a problem when opening an LLC bank account as some banks won’t open an account without a listed member or manager.

The differences between a member-managed and manager-managed LLC:

  • Member-Managed LLCs have an active involvement in the management and have the authority to act on behalf of the LLC.
  • Manager-Managed LLCs are hired by the members to run the LLC, similar to a CEO of a corporation.  This is generally used when there are passive members in the LLC, and the members do not actively manage or operate in the affairs of the business.

Step 6: Duration

This is another optional section.  Here, you can indicate how long the LLC will remain in existence.  Most LLCs will choose a Perpetual duration; however, some businesses (usually investment-related) will have a specific closure date.

By skipping this section, your LLC will be Perpetual by default.

Step 7: Business Description

Another optional section where you can provide some basic information about what the business does.  Some filers will include an open-ended business purpose saying, “This business will engage in any lawful business activity for which a Limited Liability Company may be organized in Utah.”

Step 8: Inclusion of Ownership Information

The next two questions are optional and ask demographic information about whether the LLC is female-owned and/or minority-owned.

Step 9: Pay and File

Pay and file the Certificate of Organization.

Send a copy to:
Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code
PO Box 146705
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6705